Tables of Contents in your feed reader

Organization Monkey alerts us to ticTOCs Journal Tables of Contents Service, which promises an easy way to scan tables of contents from your choice of over 11,000 scholarly journals from 414 publishers.  According to the ticTOC site:

The ticTOCs Journal Tables of Contents service makes it easy for academics, researchers, students and anyone else to keep up-to-date with newly published scholarly material by enabling them to find, display, store, combine and reuse thousands of journal tables of contents from multiple publishers. With ticTOCs, it only takes a tick or two to keep up to date.

Available journals may be searched by title words, publisher or subject; a sample title search for “medicine” returned 270 items.

Users may view the tables of contents in a free ticTOC MyTOCs account or may export their selections to a feed reader.

The ticTOCs Consortium includes the University of Liverpool Library (lead), Heriot-Watt University, CrossRef, ProQuest, Emerald, RefWorks, MIMAS, Cranfield University, Institute of Physics, SAGE Publishers, Inderscience Publishers, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Open J-Gate, and Intute, and is funded under the JISC Users & Innovation program.

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for mentioning ticTOCs. There are further enhancements on the way, such as search across all content, alerts, and an API.

    Roddy MacLeod
    ticTOCs Management Support

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